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+30 210 6968000
85, Mesogeion ave., Athens 115 26, Greece
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+30 210 6968000
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The composition of the Board of Directors is the following:
Peristeris Georgios
- Executive BoD Member, Chairman of the BoD and Chief Executive Officer
Born in Athens in 1957, he received his degree in Civil Engineering in 1980 from the National Technical University of Athens.
His professional involvement with TERNA S.A. began in the early 80s. From 1982 to 1984 he was the Director of Construction of important Hydraulic and Railway projects. In 1984 he assumed the duties of President and CEO of TERNA SA. Since 1997 he has been developing intense business activities in the field of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) through the establishment of TERNA ENERGY.
It is also worth noting that Mr. Peristeris is the President of the Hellenic Association of Electricity Producers from RES. (HELASRES) since 2000.
He is also a BoD member of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises.
Capralos Spyridon
- Independent Non-Executive Member, Vice-Chairman BoD, Lead Independent Director
He studied Economics at the University of Athens, and received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at INSEAD University in France. He is fluent in English, French and Italian.
He is Chairman of Star Bulk Carriers and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Euroclinic. He has served as Chairman of the Athens Exchange and CEO of the companies of the HELEX Group, Chairman of the Association of European Stock Exchanges, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Greece, Vice Chairman of Bankers Trust Company, President of E.T.E.V.A., Astir Insurance Company, CEO of OceanBulk Containers, EPIRUS S.A., and Bank of Athens. As an athlete he participated with the National Water Polo Team in the Olympic Games of Moscow in 1980 and Los Angeles in 1984, while he was Greek and Balkan champion in swimming from 1969 to 1975. In 2021 he was elected Chairman of the European Olympic Committees and in 2019 a member of the International Olympic Committee. He has been Chairman of the Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC) since 2009. He was Chairman of the Coordinating Committee for the European Games in Baku (2015) and Minsk (2019), participated in the HOC Plenary Session (1992-1996) and served as Head of the Greek Delegation to the Atlanta Olympic Games. In addition, he served as a Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games "Athens 2004", while he also held the position of Deputy Head of Games Business Administration. In March 2004 he was appointed Secretary General of the Olympic Games of the Ministry of Culture by decision of the Prime Minister and was appointed City Manager during the Olympic Games.
Tamvakakis Apostolos
- Non-Executive Member, Vice –Chairman BoD
He is a graduate of the Athens University of Economics and holds M.A. in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics from Canada.
He is the founder, Chairman and CEO OF Partner of EOS Capital Partners, the investment manager of the private equity fund “EOS Hellenic Renaissance Fund”.
He has served as Chief Executive Officer of the National Bank of Greece, as Independent non-executive Vice Chairman of the BoD of Piraeus Bank, as Chairman and Managing Director of Lamda Development, as Head of Strategy and Business Development of the Geneva-based Latsis Group, as Deputy Governor of the National Mortgage Bank of Greece and the National Bank of Greece. He has also worked at Mobil Oil Hellas, at Hellenic Investment Bank and as Deputy General Manager of ABN AMRO Bank. He has been a member of several boards and committees
Today he holds the positions of Vice Chairman of Plaisio Computers, Vice Chairman of Hellenic Juices, Member of the BoD of Euroseas Ltd, Eurodry Ltd, Minerva SA Edible Oils and Food Enterprises, Eurocatering SA and ERGO Insurance Company. He is also Chairman of the Liquidations Committee of PQH Single Special Liquidation S.A and member of the Marketing Committee of the Hellenic Olympic Committee.
Gourzis Michail
- Executive BoD Member
He was born in Lefkada in 1940. In 1965 he graduated from the Athens School of Engineering. He worked as a freelancer - Contractor of Public Works from 1969 to 1976. He holds an MEK D’ class degree and since 1977 he has been managing projects of TERNA SA., by participating since then in a number of major infrastructure projects as head of the construction sector, while since 2002 he is a Chief Executive Officer and Executive Member of the Board of Directors of TERNA SA and GEK TERNA SA. He is Executive Vice President of GEK TERNA Group since 2011 and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TERNA SA since 2019. He also holds the position of non-executive member of TERNA ENERGY and the position of Vice President in TERNA MAG, a company active in the mining sector. He has participated in a number of Corporate Social Responsibility actions throughout Greece, covering needs for the benefit of local communities in the geographical areas where major infrastructure projects are being carried out.
Lazaridou Penelope
- Executive Director, Executive BoD Member
Ms. Lazaridou is a graduate of the Athens University of Economics and Business (ASOE Department of Business Administration) and holds an M.Sc. in Finance from the University of Strathclyde (UK).
She has more than 25 years of experience in the banking sector, holding for over 10 years the position of General Manager in the fields of Corporate and Investment Banking. At the same time - and in the context of the above responsibilities – she has successfully served (i) Chairman of the Board of subsidiaries and (ii) an executive member in senior committees of Banks. Through the above roles she has made a dynamic contribution to the rapid development of the country's infrastructure and renewable energy sources.
In 2017 she joined the GEK TERNA Group, assuming the position of General Manager of Financial Services with the main object (i) the determination of the financial strategy and (ii) the management of business risks.
In December 2019, she was appointed Executive Member of the Board of Directors of GEK TERNA and from July 2021 she is an Executive Member and Executive Director of GEK TERNA. She participates in the Boards of Directors of subsidiary companies of the GEK TERNA Group.
Ms. Lazaridou is a member of the Executive Committee of the ICC (Hellas International Chamber of Commerce) women and member of the WOMEN OF BOARDS (WOB) Harvard Business School.
Benopoulos Angelos
- Executive Director, Executive BoD Member
He was born in Athens in 1958. As an entrepreneur he has been active in the fields of construction, Real Estate, renewable energy sources and business parks since 1995. He has experience in the organization and management of large companies, in corporate governance and in the management of corporate affairs. After studying at NTUA, he started his career at ARCHIRODON, before becoming the founder and chairman of the DOMIKI ANAPTYXI group (DOMIKI ANAPTYXI S.A., ILIOHORA S.A., DIKEVE S.A.), while in 1999 he acquired the public works company ERGODYNAMIKI S.A., companies which merged with GEK and TERNA groups in 2002. As a result of this merger, he has been a member of the top management of GEK TERNA Group ever since. He served as an Executive Director and member of the Board of Directors at TERNA since 2002 and since 2011 Executive Vice Chairman of the GEK TERNA Group, while from 2021 he is an Executive Director of the Board of Directors and a member of the Executive Committee of GEK TERNA. He has executive responsibilities in the management of central functions as General Directorate for Human Resources, IT & Technology, Digital Transformation, etc. He is the appointed head of the Group IT Steering Committee and the Incident Response Body of the Business Continuity System. He has been Corporate Secretary and member of Nomination, Remuneration, ESG Committees for many years. In the period from 2010 to 2018, he also undertook the organization of the renewable energy project licensing sector, with the landmark licensing success of the emblematic project of the wind park on the island of Ai Giorgi. For a decade, he was a member of the Board of the Centre for European Constitutional Law (CECL). Since 2008 he is the chairman of the management body of the Thessaloniki Business Park.
Since 2018 he is the vice chairman of the Hellenic Association of Business Parks. Since 2020 he has been an elected Member of the General Council of the BSE, participating in specialized Steering Committees, Committees for corporate governance, spatial planning & urban planning, licensing, networks & infrastructure, logistics, business parks. He has received honors from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of National Defense and the Municipality of Athens.
Souretis Petros
- Executive Director, Executive BoD Member
Born in Kavala in 1969. Studied Civil Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and continued his postgraduate studies at the City University of London in 1994 and since 2004 holds an MBA degree from the Athens University of Economics and Business.
Until 2003 was a director of the HELLENIC TECHNODOMIKI-TEB Group. He was INTRAKAT’s CEO from 2003 to July 2022 and Member of the BoD of INTRALOT SA Group from 2008 to 2019. Since 2010 he holds the position of CEO of KEKROPS SA and from 2019-2022 served as Vice Chairman of the BoD of ATHENS RESORT CASINO HOLDINGS SA and HELLENIC CASINO SA. At the same time, he held executive positions in subsidiaries of the INTRACOM HOLDINGS Group until 2022, while from 2014 to 2020 served as President of Church’s Real Estate Development Company SA of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens. In 2022 was elected Executive Member of the Board of Directors of GEK TERNA, and in 2023 he was appointed Executive Director of the Board of Directors of GEK TERNA.
Lamprou Konstantinos
- Executive BoD Member
Konstantinos Lamprou was born in Athens in 1974. He holds a Ms in Business Administration and has also studied Journalism and Public Relations & Management. He has been working for GEK TERNA Group since 2008, holding the position of the General Manager of Corporate Relations and Sustainability. He has also been an Executive Director of the Group in Bulgaria (2009 - 2018) and a member of the BoD of Group’s subsidiaries. In the period 2012 - 2014 he held the position of the Vice President of the Hellenic Business Council of Bulgaria. In the past he had worked as a communications consultant with the Greek Government and as a journalist in various media.
Moustakas Emmanuel
- Executive BoD Member
He was born in Athens in 1974 and graduated from the School of Civil Engineering of the NTUA in 1998.
He worked as a freelancer in the design, supervision and construction of private projects until 2003, when he began his collaboration with the Group (TERNA SA), initially as a construction engineer and then in project management positions.
Since 2005 he is active mainly in the fields of energy and concessions. He is a member of the Board of affiliated companies of the GEK TERNA Group.
Antonakos Dimitrios
- Non-Executive Member
Born in Athens in 1952, graduated from Varvakeios High School in Athens, obtained B.Sc. in Engineering Surveying from the Polytechnic School of Thessaloniki (Aristoteleio) and a second B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), while holds the highest classification grade (4th Grade) in the Greek Engineering Association.
Started his professional career from GEK S.A. in 1979 and become a member of the Board of Directors in 1981; from 2000 until 2019 was an Executive Member of the BoD of TERNA S.A. (Chairman of BoD between 2011 and 2016), while since 2005 was heading the Group’s activities in the MENA region.
Chronologically, his participation in the management of GEK TERNA Group:
* From 1981 to 2004 Executive Member of the BoD of GEK.S.A.
* From 2000 to 2019 Executive Member of the BoD of TERNA S.A. (Chairman of BoD 2011-2016)
* From 2011 to 2015 Executive Vice President and from 2015 to date Executive Member of the BoD of GEKTERNA S.A.
From 2017 to date, he holds the position of Chief Compliance Officer, while since 2019 he also holds the position of Chief Risk Officer of GEKTERNA Group of Companies. Throughout his engagement with the Group, he has been representing GEKTERNA Group in his capacity as corporate manager and/or BoD member in various subsidiaries and affiliated companies both in Greece as well as overseas.
Afentoulis Dimitrios
- Non-Executive Member
He joined the Latsis Group in 1993. From November 2005 until today he is a Member of the Executive Board of the Ioannis S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, in which he served as Secretary until March 2019. From February 2012 to November 2016 he was a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Greece and chaired the Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee of the Bank, while he was a member of the Audit, Strategy and Human Resources and Remuneration Committees. From the beginning of 2018 until July 2020, he was a non-executive member of the Board of Directors of Lamda Development as well as a member of the Audit Committee of the company. In July 2021, he was elected non-executive member of the Board of Directors of GEK TERNA. He is also an independent & non-executive member of the Boards of Directors of companies of the VIVA Wallet group and at the same time he is the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Risk Committee of the same group of companies. He participates, in various capacities, in the Boards of Directors of companies and institutions in Greece and abroad. He holds the position of CEO of the LATSCO Family Office, representing the interests of the family of Mrs. Marianna I. Latsi. He studied Business Administration & Accounting at the Athens University of Economics and Business and holds a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Athens University of Economics and Business.
Andreas Taprantzis
- Independent Non-Executive Member
Andreas Taprantzis has been the CEO of Avis since November 2014. He planned and completed the radical reorganization of the Company with a view to its sale by Piraeus Bank. The transaction took place in 2017 at €325m. (EV) and was among the largest in the country. He continued in the same position with the new shareholders, establishing AVIS at the top in the country’s car market.
Prior to his current position, he was the Executive Director of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), from its inception in August 2011 until November 2014. He was responsible for the development of private public real estate, which included airports, ports, marinas, hotels and large tracts of land. During its tenure, HRADF implemented contracts amounting to €12.5 billion, such as the Hellinikon contract, Asteras Vouliagmenis and Regional Airports, attracting multiple secondary investments.
In 2009, he was appointed COO and Managing Director of Retail Banking at TT Hellenic Postbank. In December 2010, he assumed the duties of An. Managing Director of T Bank (a subsidiary of TT). From 2005 to 2009, he was CEO of Hellenic Post (ELTA), while at the same time he was a member of the Board of Directors of Hellenic Postbank and Chairman of the Audit Committee. During his tenure, ELTA was profitable with a turnover of more than €600 million. and profits of €50m. annually, as a result of radical reorganization and investment in new technologies. His work at ELTA has been internationally recognized. In August 2008, he was elected by the 192 Postal Companies of the world, Chairman of the Universal Postal Council (POC) of the International Postal Union (UPU), a UN agency based in Bern, for the period 2008 to 2012.
From July 2019 to June 2021 he was a member of the Board of Directors of Attica Bank, as well as Chairman of the Risk Management Committee. From June 2021 to November 2024 he was an independent non-executive member of the Board of Directors of TERNA ENERGY S.A.
Dr. Taprantzis holds a degree in Chemical Engineering (MSc) and a PhD from the National Technical University of Athens, in the area of automatic regulation of systems with artificial intelligence (AI) models. He has an MBA and an AMP certificate from INSEAD.
Delikoura Aikaterini
- Independent Non-Executive Member
C-level Risk Management and Compliance Manager, with more than 20 years of banking experience, focusing on the markets of Central and Southeastern Europe, the United Kingdom, the USA, Turkey and Egypt. She is Director General of Regulatory Compliance Risk Management at the Bank of the Council of Europe, a European transnational Bank specializing in the financing of large projects. She is a Member of the Executive Committee, Risk, Compliance, Finance and ESG Committees. She is the Central Investigator of Financial Crime, Fraud and Corruption, in charge of Business Ethics and Personal Data Protection.
She has served as Group International Risk Head, at the EFG EUROBANK Group, at the Central and Eastern Europe, UK and Luxembourg, EFG Representative at the EBCI Vienna Initiative, Member of the Board of Directors of EUROBANK TEKFEN AS in Turkey, General Secretary of the EFG Group Risk Committee and Chairman of the Risk Committees of the EFG subsidiaries in Bulgaria, Serbia, Cyprus and Turkey.
She has been the Group Head of International Risk at the PIRAEUS BANK Group, in Central and Eastern Europe, United Kingdom, USA and Egypt, member of the Mergers and Acquisitions Committee and member of the BoD of TIRANA LEASING SA. She has worked at ALPHA BANK, as a Senior Risk Officer and started her banking career at ABN AMRO BANK in the Corporate Risk Department.
She holds an MBA degree from the ALBA Graduate Business School and a Law Degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, registered with the Athens Bar Association. She is also a Certified Financial Investigator and Certified Data Protection Officer. In 2019 she received the international award ‘Woman Chief Compliance Officer 2019, IFIs and Private Sector’. She speaks English, French, Spanish and Italian.
Skordas Athanasios
- Independent Non-Executive Member
He is a graduate of the Athens University of Economics and Business specializing in International Economic Relations. He was active in the field of private insurance and in the financial sector. General Manager of the Hellenic Shipowners’ Association of Tugs, Salvage, Antipollution and OSVs and independent non-executive member of the Board of Directors "EPILEKTOS TEXTILES S.A.". From 2015 to December 2019, he was Chairman and CEO of Selonda SA, listed on the Athens Stock Exchange, in which he successfully contributed to the achievement of the company's resolution objectives, the absorption of third-party companies as well as the completion of the procedures for its sale by the systemic banks to the joint venture Amerra Capital Management (US) – Mubadala Private Equity (UAE).
He has served for two years as Deputy Minister of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks with responsibility for Trade and Industry, Secretary General of the Ministries of Development, Economy and Finance with responsibility for tax and customs issues, while he was also Secretary General of the Region of Central Greece. He has been a seminar instructor at the Hellenic Institute of Insurance Studies, as well as at the Institute of Financial Studies.
He has been distinguished for his social action and Corporate Social Responsibility actions by actively participating in the Boards of Directors of recognized associations, while, among others, he has been honored in 2019 with the gold award "Health & Safety Awards" and the award "Top Industrial Export Company".
Staikou Sophia
- Independent Non-Executive Member
She studied Political Science at Panteion University and Industrial Psychology at the University of Sussex in England.
She worked at Citibank, at the Bank of Greece, at the Minister of Finance in the Government of National Unity (1974) and then at the Office of the then Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis.
From 1981 she worked at the IONIAN BANK, at the Marketing and Public Relations Department, at the Press Office of the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works and at the Solid Advertising Company.
From 1992 to 2000 she took over the Personnel, Promotion & Communications Department of Piraeus Bank as the General Manager and from 2002 until 2018 she was the President of the Piraeus Group Cultural Foundation and the Bank's Corporate Responsibility Manager, implementing pioneering actions with a strong environmental and social footprint that later formed the basis for compliance with the ESG criteria.
Since 2019 she is Vice President of the Board of Directors of LYKTOS HOLDING and deals with the business activities of the Group and following her placement in 2020, she is the President of the company SEMELI WINERY. Since 2021 she holds the position of President and CEO of the same company.
Executive Members are company’s top executives, responsible for the implementation of its objectives.
Non-Executive and Independent non Executive Members are people with objective thinking, responsible for securing corporate governance.