Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant of Epirus Region 
The Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant of Epirus Region, which commenced commercial operation in March 2019, is one of Europe’s most modern waste treatment plants. The project was implemented via the PPP (Private Public Partnership) scheme, with the Private Partnership Body (PPB) being Epirus Aeiforiki, with the valuable contribution of the Special PPP Secretariat and the Epirus Region. The project was completed with an unprecedented licensing and manufacturing time horizon (of only 18 months) .
The total investment amounted to € 52.6 million
From the waste that the plant processes:
  • At least 17,000 tons of useful materials are recycled each year, contributing to the achievement of national recycling targets Generates 10,800 kW of Green Energy each year, able to meet the needs of 3,000 families while avoiding 12,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions 25,000 tonnes of compost is produced per year
  • The project definitively resolves the waste management issue of the Epirus Region for the next 25 years, as it can be easily adapted to the future European Directives as well as the Greek legislation.
  • It has already received its first award as a project of the year 2018.
Integrated Waste Management of the Region of Peloponnese 
The project is the largest PPP on waste management in the country and for the most part implements the Waste Management Regional Plan of the Peloponnese Region while also operating alongside local recycling programs of municipalities. The partnership agreement provides for the construction and operation of three Waste Processing Units and an equal number of sanitary Landfill Sites for the process residue in the prefectures of Arcadia, Messinia and Lakonia, as well as of two Waste Transfer Stations in Korinthia and Argolida. The project is designed to generate green energy, making it an environmentally-friendly infrastructure with a zero energy footprint. It is also expected to reduce waste management costs for the local municipalities while also eliminating levied fines. Integrated waste management ensures compliance with current national and European legislation, advances environmental protection and leads to significant improvement in the quality of life and sanitary conditions. The project’s realisation with cutting-edge technology will address the environmental issue of the Peloponnese Region and produce benefits for the Tourism industry, Education and Sustainable Agriculture, a strategic objective for Greece.